Latest News
What's happening at Brookvale?
February - MCA & DOL's training courses.
March - Oral Health and Equality, Diversity & Inlcusion training courses.
April - Effective Communication training courses.
May - Promoting Dignity in Care training courses.
June/July - Medication training courses.
- Dance class with Megan every Monday.
- YOGA with Christine every Tuesday.
- Friendship Circle every Wednesday.
- Drumming, bakery, singing and dancing afternoons are set to be held and hosted by the Friendship Circle throughout July & August.
- 31st August 2024 - Brookvale residents are invited to a summer BBQ hosted by the Friendship Circle.
- Monday 8th May 23 - A party/disco took place to celebrate the King's Coronation.
- Thursday 6th July 23 - Singer Stephen Hogan held a concert in the entertainment hall for Brookvale residents.